About Us

Equilibrage Strategies Inc.

We are one of the leading information technology consulting companies offering custom-made IT solutions and services to clients across the globe. Leverage your business with the in-depth knowledge and expertise of Equilibrage Strategies mind to make your digital transformation that is in harmony with your business goals.

We offer a wide range of technology consultation services that help you transform digitally, automate your business operations, improve efficiency, and encompass the latest trends in technology.

From enterprise architectures to software portfolios, Equilibrage Strategies can be your backbone in implementing effective digital transformations regardless of your nature of business.

We ensure that you offer a streamlined and consistent delivery of high-quality products and services to your customers through latest technologies and at the same time staying ahead of your competitors.

Equilibrage Strategies has helped organizations of all sizes to make their digital transformations seamlessly and modernize their business operations. At Equilibrage Strategies, we always stay ahead by updating ourselves with the most advanced and latest technologies which helps us to offer more robust multi-channel solutions that market needs.

With Equilibrage Strategies as your partner, you can focus on your core business while we take care of your IT requirements.


  • Transparent communication and feedback systems
  • Excellent policies and well-researched procedures.
  • Regular risk assessment procedures and reporting structures
  • Enterprise-wide training on regulations, compliance laws and procedures
  • Client-centric solutions
  • A sustainable culture that promotes growth & integrity.

Our areas of expertise include

  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Issue Management
  • Policy Review and Guidance
  • Privacy/HIPAA
  • Operational Audits & Monitoring


We have developed a sustainable culture that promotes ethical business conduct, integrity and accountability.

Compliance plays a major role when it comes to business success and we at Equilibrage Strategies emphasize and play by the rules of the book. Sensitive domains like the healthcare industry requires constant monitoring of the changing laws and regulations. Equilibrage Strategies compliance team overlooks the dynamic policies and regulations and amends the latest in order to ensure a risk-free smooth workflow throughout the development process.

With the expertise and authority of our compliance team, we are able to deliver expert advice on subject matter enforcing stern implementation procedures, yet maintain integrity and superior culture that exhibits our compliance and competence.