Equilibrage Strategies helps the manufacturing industry to operate with a minimum workforce and deliver maximum efficiency.

Increase manufacturing efficiency through advanced automated solutions. Elevate product quality and increase production with the help of AI and analytics. Analyse billions of operational data for performance tuning and reduced quality defects.

We focus on edge computing to analyse data and provide real-time insights on operations and product quality.

Deploy automation and AI for unmanned visual inspections. Increase product quality through edge services to bring data closer to IoT devices. Reduce data transmit time to increase efficiency.

The pandemic has changed the way businesses operate and has forced organizations to adopt a newer, modern approach to reach customers. New contact-less delivery systems and platforms have evolved and businesses have to be equipped to face the challenges.

Remodel the shopping experience with hybrid cloud technologies whether it may be online or offline. Engage customers with fluid native applications and platforms which provide a unified and smooth interface across devices.

Sansha uses digital engineering technologies such as IoT, Cloud and automation to deliver a seamless platform for the retail industry.